A girl who is silly, fun and sweet. And not forgetting the fact that I can be annoying and noisy, too. Always smiling and making others smile. :)
title: I'm almost done with Semester One! :D Finally done all my final projects submission and presentation!
Didn't really freak out durin presentation time.. Overall was okay. Hehe XD Been really crazy for the past weeks. Rushing final projects and so.. slept so late everyday. @.@ latest is 630AM. Wth man? hahaha XD Gonna miss Classs 88, gonna miss Semester One! Final moral exam tomorrow! Aza aza fighting! I haven't study till now. Gotta do that later. If not tomorrow sure gg.com. Yay yay, holidays coming!! At the same time I miss studying times. So ironic. Hahaha. I still want to go for classes! Uni is so much fun. Hehe. Can't wait for Semester Two! Gonna major in Fashion d, no more foundation! No more life drawing, design, and creative studies! Oh wheeeeeeeeeeeeeee. AND NO MORE MORAL! Yayyyyyyyyyyyy! Toodles! xx :) |
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title: The All-American Rejects Live in Malaysia! Yes yes yes it was awesome!!!
Only when AAR performs. Haha the rest.. opening acts.. ok only. Yeah a lot people complain bout the organization.. Really sucks. Didn't organize well. Waited so freaking long and everyone got so pissed and start boo-ing. Hahahha. What a crowd. Lol. Better don't let AAR heard it. Mempersiasuikan. Anyway, AAR's performance was good. They performed around 10+ songs. And everybody rocked that concert. Jumping, screaming and stuffs. Yeah~ I WANNA WANNA WANNA TOUCH THEM!!! And guess what, I'm so damn lucky again! I've got Tyson's guitar pick this time. Hehe The previous time I got Nick's from MTV WorldStage. How cooooool! Tyson's one has his signature on it. :D Lazy to upload the pictures here. Click this link and you can see all. :) |
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