A girl who is silly, fun and sweet. And not forgetting the fact that I can be annoying and noisy, too. Always smiling and making others smile. :)
title: STEP UP 3 !!! What can I say more about this movie?? It's beyond awesomeness!!! Step Up has been awesome since the first one. It's getting more intense and intense. I just love Step Up. You just have to love them. You're queer if you don't. Nobody doesn't, k? Step Up 1,2 and 3 aren't really related.. They just have different types of dances in different movie. All are nice. Superb. I didn't watch it in 3D though cos I think there won't be much 3D effect. ![]() He's Moose and yeah he acted in Step Up 3 too!! And boy was he awesome! He can dance okay! He might be skinny and seems like no energy but damn, I have to say he is really good. I like him, he's cute! :) Curly hair certainly suits him well! ![]() This part is. Amazing. I loved it. I go "wow" at some many parts. Haha. They're really wowing okay. A bit like Step Up 2 where they dance outdoor during the rain. Still nice though! I can watch Step Up 1-3 for like a gazillion times k.. I don't mind watching it again in cinema for the second time, seriously. It's really nice and worth watching, with all the cinema's sound system. It's simply amazing. Haha I've this feeling after watching Step Up movie. After watching I always wanted to learn dancing. I love to dance but sadly I am not talented. And my bones are too stiff already. I think it's too late for me :( And I have no time.. So, too bad.. |
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title: ![]() Yay, me got Altec Lansing speakers now :D And yeah, it's exactly the same as in the picture. Thanks to T! He gave his mine to me. Cos I think it's too space and weight consuming to bring over to UK. So he gave it to me. Happie happie :) Just installed and it worked perfectly well! Make my days in Cyberjaya so much better. Hehe. He came over from kk today and arrived early in the morning.. While I'm still rushing my ass to finish my dress at uni! In the end also couldn't finish, and then decided to submit next week. Which actually I wanted to submit today. But I couldn't let T waiting for me for so long and of course I can't wait to see him! It has been one month plus since I last saw him. Missed him super much can. And he bought me my favourite Famous Amos double choc cookies! How sweeeet! He always say it's a waste of money and not worth buying.. Which I think so too, but it's just too nice to not buy! But he does buy for me too. :) Famous Amos my favourite cookies. Ever. And hell yeah, I'm having my 5 days holiday starting tomorrow! Friday and Tuesday would be public holidays and then plus the two days weekend and Monday there is no class for me and that makes 5 days! Going back JB this saturday!! :) |
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title: gadgets! ![]() Hey peeps, I am selling off my Nikon D3000 after using it for quite sometime.It's a nice camera and I like it. But somehow it's a bit chunky for me. And right now I'm funding for a Macbook (that's if I can get enough $) So now I'm selling it for the price of RM1,300. Comes with everything including 4GB sd, uv filter and tripod. Let me know if anyone is interested. :) ![]() ![]() Apple Singapore is having their education offer again! Which is you buy one Mac and get one iTouch for free! And you get the Macbook at a discounted price. Not much but at least it's discounted! And you get a free 8gb iTouch! How cool is that!! Super nice right... Offer ends 7th Sept. So get it if you want ;) Definitely worth the price if you ask me.If I can sell of my cammie, then I'll think about it. Since my lappie is broken already, thinking of getting a new one! But not sure if I should get a Mac or a normal one. Hmmm, think hard. Of course I'll choose Mac, but financial wise, it's a bit expensive lah compared to normal ones. So......................... I'll see how :P |
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title: A Walk To Remember A Walk To Remember. One of my favourite movie. One word to describe. Romantic. The whole movie is very touching. Should read the book before watching.. Written by Nicholas Sparks. I've always loved his books :) The book is way better.. Of course. Books have better story always. (eg, Twilight Saga, P.S. I Love You, etc) Even reading the book itself will make you tear what more the movie. I saw this video from Youtube since sometime ago. And when I try to search back, I couldn't find it. It says it was removed or something. But I just got on Youtube and found it back. So happie. Hahaha. If you did not watch the movie or read the book, you prolly won't understand this short clip. But it still make me tear though. :'( I'm so emotional.. Okay, I really am. I do cry at touching scenes. Only mostly when I'm alone. Haha. I'm shy :P Well, this movie is acted by Shane West & Mandy Moore. It's a 2002 movie. Kinda old right I know. Haha, almost 8 years. That's why their dressing in the movie is abit old fashioned. Anyway, a movie worth watching. If you ever watch this, remember to prepare some tissues beside you! :P |
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title: =) Everyone, really thanks for those supports.
Needed them :) By the way, I'm doing fine now. Sorted things out and everything's good for now. Sometimes is it really me who thinks too much and making a big fuss out of small issue? Hmm, you should know how girl thinks and feels. I admit I'm really fragile and little thing you say can hurt me. Superficially seems strong doesn't mean on the inside is, too. Anyway, enough of it! I'm okay now! Very okay.. So, no worries, people. :) Much loves, ♥♥♥ |
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title: to my special someone =) *One of my fav of Westlife's. Dedicated to my very special one. Always there for you, no matter what. :)* You and I must make a pack(ooooh) We must bring salvation back(ooooh Where there is love I'll be there I'll be there I'll reach out my hand to you I'll have faith in all you do Just call my name And I'll be there, I'll be there And, ohhhhh I'll be there to comfort you Build my world of dreams around you I'm so glad that I found you I'll be there with a love that's strong I'll be your strength; I'll keep holdin' on chorus: holdin' on, holdin' on, holdin' on Yes I will, yes I will Let me fill your heart with joy and laughter Togetherness, girl it's all I'm after Whenever you need me I'll be there, I'll be there I'll be there to protect you Yeah baby With a never-selfish love that respects you Just call my name And I'll be there, I'll be there And ohhhhh... I'll be there to comfort you Build my world of dreams around you I'm so glad that I found you I'll be there with a love thats strong I'll be your strength; I'll keep holdin' on holdin' on, holdin' on, holdin' on, holdin on' If you should ever find someone new I know he'd better be good to you 'Cause if he doesn't I'll be there, I'll be there Don't you know baby yeah yeah I'll be there I'll be there Just call my name, I'll be there Just look over your shoulders honey, ooohhh I'll be there I'll be there Whenever you need me, I'll be there, I'll be there I'll be there, dont you know baby yeah, yeah I'll be there |
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title: ![]() My dream wedding gown would be something like this. I'm gonna design my very own wedding dress next time. I'd love the train to be short to long. Preferably tube or toga. Would be pretty and sexy :) Nah, still a long time to go.. Just wait for my great news! Muahahaha, I shall sleep early tonight. |
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title: Maybe...maybe I should just a be a little more understanding on
the inside to be the almost perfect girl. People act differently outward and inward. Well like me, superficially I might seems alright and be okay, but you'll never know deep down inside how am I feeling. I don't even feel slightly okay. It's just not so okay. Well, maybe it's me who made a big fuss out of a small matter. Hmm I don't know.. I just need that little bit.. to become a better me. It's not easy though.. Hm.. Everything happened for a reason. I always believed this. But I never found the reason. |
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title: Haven't been updating.. Hahaha. You know.. My Asus died, and I'm using this not-so-good lappie which has like 3 usb ports but only one is usable! Zzz. And I use it for the cooler pad cos this lappie will go overheat and then always auto off itself. That's why I can't plug in my harddisk to watch pps or upload pics.. Haih, so many pics to upload!! Will do soon anyway.. Was spending last month's weekend at Subang. Stayed at sis' place and played with Hae everyday. Haha, she's so cute. I miss her now. On 07082010, we had a surprise farewell for our dearest Ee Laine at Italiannies, Empire Shopping Gallery. Well, actually it was supposingly a belated birthday dinner for Bo and also celebrate my sis' 21st birthday. Then, my sis planned a surprise farewell for her and invited our other 38 sisters over. The table Bo booked for us was perfect! It was the biggest and was separated from the crowd. Really nice :) Then those people came early decorated with the banner and balloons and hide themselves. When Laine, me and my sis arrived and walked towards our table, they jumped out and shouted "Surprise!!!!" She wasn't really surprised cos know why?? She thought they were surprising my sis for her 21st birthday. Lol, that's why no expression from her. :S Then after that we told her then she said, "you all too much lah, today is Qin's 21st you know." Then my sis say, "it's okay lah, I don't mind also." Aww, such a goodie. Haha. Anyway, had a fantastic time with my girls and Jon! The food was nice, me and Jon ate the most. Cos they were busy taking pictures. Haha And they keep saying, "Qimei, you very hungry hor?" Lol, I really was.. and there was so much food mah. Perfect place, perfect company and awesome food :) After the dinner, everyone said and hugged goodbye and left. Me and my sis was gonna crash laine's place on that night so we followed her back. We wasted some time like going to the toilet, and then to 7-11 to top up credit. Haha. Cos the other ppl need some time to get back to laine's house for the second surprise! Haha, and when we're on the way back to her house. We already saw Sherrin's car park somewhere near to Laine's place and she's like asking me, "eh, isn't this Sherrin's car?" I'm like, "err, don't know leh, I don't remember her carplate number." I think she suspected something dy one. haha. Then we got home, they were hiding at the stairs, and the banner we brought back from Italiannies they stick next to the door and Laine's saw =.= Then they jumped out and shouted surprise again. Laine's was like, I knew it lo, I saw the banner already. (Cos Shelby is the one who brought the banner back from Italinnies.) And she said, I also saw Sherrin's car lah!! We were like zadao! But nevermind lah. Hahaha. Then my sis made a video for her. It's a collection of our pictures. All of us. The 38 sisters. From the beginning where we started to know each other through bible camps, and then theolo, and then hang out sessions and stuffs. The video took about 10 minutes or so. And when the light is on back, everyone is tearing. Actually all of us holding back our tears. But then when the lights are on, I saw laine's wiping then I went burst out crying and I went to hug her. Aww that scene. So touching. Haha. Literally everyone cried while watching half of the video. Really nice. Brings back memories that we had. And then all of us crashed her place on that day. Had breakfast next day and me and sis went to Kalvin Chan to get a haircut. Bo's recommendation! Hee, it was good. Will definitely go there again. *** Went Times Square with two sis and jiefu and hae past Sunday. Got meself a vintage bag and 2 dresses. Lol, bag I wanted to get sometime ago. Saw this quite nice and vintage-ish and cheap. Then the 2 dresses, I can't choose to buy which and since it's so cheap I just bought two. C'mon, for this 3 items I spent only 57 like that. Isn't it cheap?? Hahaha. XD I'm satisfied. Though I really wanted to get some high waisted shorts/skirts. Haih, I have to save up!!! I'm serious.. I haven't been shopping for a long time and I'm telling the truth. I have not spent like how I used to dy. I'm more sensible now. Muahahah. I only buy necessary stuffs. :) *** Met up P for a bit during last friday at Midvalley. Haven't seen her in ages!! Really miss you, P :) Chatted a bit and sat in Juice Works for hours. Haha, cos her luggage was too heavy for her walk around. Mine aswell!! Cos over the weekends we'll be staying at ppl's place. And oh damn, we didn't get to take pics!! Haha. Don't know when's the next time I could meet her up again. Anyway, see you soon, P! x |
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title: Haven't been updating for so loooong.. woohooo Cos! my lappie RIP already. Trying to revive it now.. Haha. Sianness. Now sis bought another lappie from JB for me. Ahhh, not that good. Haha but use it first la. Well well well, Mondays off for this Semester!! Really happie.. which mean I'll be holidaying from Sat - Mon. Nice.. And I'm on Sem 3 which mean starting from this sem we gotta make garment already.. 1 garment for this sem. Hopefully it'll turn out pretty. But don't think I can keep it. Anyway, looking forward to Raya break! That week gonna be an awesome one. Oh yeah~~ ****************** I've been babysitting Hayley whenever I'm at my sis place. Haha, she's so cute! Like really cute. hahaha. Love her to bits :) |
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